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Video Resources

Ask an Advisor: Do I need life insurance?  Thumbnail

Ask an Advisor: Do I need life insurance?

We're thrilled to unveil our new newsletter series, "Ask an Advisor," designed specifically for the incredible community of special needs families. Spearheaded by Rhett Beal, a dedicated chartered special needs consultant with a wealth of expertise, this series aims to provide clarity on a range of critical topics.

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Maximizing ABLE Accounts & Special Needs Trusts Thumbnail

Maximizing ABLE Accounts & Special Needs Trusts

The concluding session of our three-part series will explore two indispensable financial tools—ABLE accounts and special needs trusts—that empower families to safeguard assets and enhance the quality of life for their loved ones with special needs. Viewers will leave with a clear understanding of how ABLE accounts and special needs trusts can serve as cornerstones in their financial security strategy.

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Everything Social Security Thumbnail

Everything Social Security

In the second installment of this 3-part series, viewers will gain invaluable insights into navigating the complex landscape of Social Security, including traditional Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).

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Charting Your Financial Road Map Thumbnail

Charting Your Financial Road Map

In the inaugural session, participants will embark on a journey to develop a personalized financial roadmap tailored to the unique needs of their loved ones. Topics covered will include:  - When and how to identify critical financial transitions  - Where to focus your time based on your current financial picture  - How Social Security, ABLE accounts, and Special Needs Trust function together   - Setting short-term and long-term financial goals  - Identifying potential income and saving sources   Participants will gain practical insights and actionable steps to initiate their financial planning journey with confidence. 

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