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Staying Balanced: How to Protect Your Retirement Savings Thumbnail

Staying Balanced: How to Protect Your Retirement Savings

As markets go up and as markets go down, your retirement savings likely needs to be adjusted i.e. rebalanced, for the changing times. Recently we have experience a nearly 45% rally in stocks over the last 18 months (S&P 500 12/31/22-6/30/24), if you have not rebalanced your 401k, you are likely overweight stocks to your intended allocation and may be unintentionally risking more of your hard earned savings that intended.

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Exploring the World with Confidence: Smart International Travel Tips Thumbnail

Exploring the World with Confidence: Smart International Travel Tips

Summer is the perfect time for international travel. Whether you're dreaming of a European adventure, a tropical getaway, or an exploration of exotic cultures, preparing for your journey includes more than just packing your bags. Ensuring you have a reliable and secure way to access your money abroad is crucial. This is where the Schwab Debit Card comes into play, offering unparalleled benefits and safety features that provide peace of mind on your travels.

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The Cost of Care Thumbnail

The Cost of Care

As we age, the likelihood of needing long-term care increases. However, traditional health insurance policies typically do not cover the full cost of long-term care services, leaving individuals and their families vulnerable to significant financial strain.

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