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Social Security Fairness Act: What It Means for You Thumbnail

Social Security Fairness Act: What It Means for You

As of January 2025, the Social Security Fairness Act has repealed both the WEP and GPO provisions, meaning individuals who were previously impacted by these reductions can now expect to receive their full Social Security benefits going forward. This is a significant change, especially for individuals whose spousal benefits were reduced to $0 under the GPO or who saw their own benefits reduced due to the WEP.

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Unleashing Tax Savings by Optimizing Retirement Saving Techniques  Thumbnail

Unleashing Tax Savings by Optimizing Retirement Saving Techniques 

Whether you own your own business or are a hardworking individual, the endless sea of potential tax-saving strategies can be overwhelming. Paralysis by analysis sets in. Let's face it, managing a business or career, tending to family needs, and attempting to get a good night's sleep already fill your plate. Staying on top of ever changing tax regulations and how to realistically save for your retirement goals may feel like an unattainable and distant dream, but here is a simple guide to make it a reality.

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