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Making the Most of Medicare Open Enrollment  Thumbnail

Making the Most of Medicare Open Enrollment

Medicare, the federal health insurance program primarily for Americans 65 and older, is a vital lifeline for millions of seniors. It ensures access to essential healthcare services, but it's important to note that it isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. Every year, during Medicare Open Enrollment, beneficiaries have the opportunity to make changes to their coverage to better suit their evolving healthcare needs.

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What Can ABLE Account Money Be Spent On? Thumbnail

What Can ABLE Account Money Be Spent On?

ABLE (Achieving a Better Life Experience) accounts offer people with disabilities a great, tax-free way to accumulate money without jeopardizing their qualifications for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and other means-tested programs. Withdrawals are tax-free as long as the money is used for “qualified disability expenses.”

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Introducing Our Special Needs Advisory Practice Thumbnail

Introducing Our Special Needs Advisory Practice

As a family with special needs, your journey is one of resilience, compassion, and unwavering love. Planning for two generations ensures that both your immediate and long-term financial needs are addressed, while simultaneously securing the financial well-being and future of your child.

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A Timely Update on the Debt Ceiling & Federal Spending  Thumbnail

A Timely Update on the Debt Ceiling & Federal Spending

There is a growing concern among some investors that the debt ceiling limit (controlled by Congress) and the spending plan (controlled by the President) will collide this summer. The history of federal government budgets, spending, debt ceiling limits, and shutdowns shows that these issues are complex and interrelated. They also reflect the political and economic challenges that the country faces at different times.

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